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Welcome to our new website!

You'll find the same great Bottlerocket selection, easy-to-digest information, and fun design, on a new platform that provides a much better customer experience. (Trust us, we are just as excited as you are to say goodbye to the old website.)

A few of the things you can expect on our new website: 
  • Our loyalty program applies to all orders on our website and on our app 
  • Improved search capabilities
  • Mobile friendly design
  • Manage subscriptions, see store credit, and quickly re-order favorites under your account page

Update Your Customer Account

Current customers who shop through our website will need to update their account to connect purchase history and details. It should only take a minute! App users, no need to update. Your login for the app will work for the website.
    Step 1: Click the Profile icon on the top right of any page. 
    Step 2: Click on "Continue with email"
    Step 3: Enter the same email address you currently use.

    If you do not remember the email address, no worries. You will be prompted to create a new account. We will have your purchase history on file in the shop.
    Step 4: You will be prompted to enter a password. It can be the same one used previously.  
    You're done! For security reasons, credit card numbers will need to be re-entered on your first purchase. 